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Meet the Modpack Team Devolopers

(The Doctors)

Inês Luz
InsL Gamer

Basically, I'm the main Devoloper of this Modpack and the reason I'm doing this is because I'm a HUGE FAN of Doctor Who Series and a HUGE FAN of Minecraft, so why not mix them together?


Well, now let me introduce myself:

I'm a Gamer Girl, Student and Youtuber. I'm Portuguese and I'm 15 years old.

In the future I hope I become a successfull Game Devoloper.


Join Us
Contact Form

If you want to join the T.A.R.D.I.S Modpack Devolopers Team, send us a message and we will contact you soon as we can.

Seus detalhes foram enviados com sucesso!

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